This program is an innovative and fully targeted awareness-raising program for information security of Maritime industry, which can effectively contribute and establish a growing level of cybersecurity culture and compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements.
This program includes an Assessment Questionnaire.
This program addressed to entire personnel / crew of the Ship.
Upon successful completion of the program, the user receives a certificate of attendance.
The program is provided in English languange.
Employee training is conducted through the advanced "isAWARE" training platform. The isAWARE platform is designed to provide participants with a unified, robust, secure and integrated learning management system, with an interactive and user-friendly environment.
Maritime Cyber Security Awareness Program
The importance of Maritime Cyber Security
Legal and Regulatory Framework
Proper Use of Mobile Devices & Passwords
Proper Use of Web & Social Media
Proper Use of Email
What is Social Engineering
The benefits of Physical Security
Malware & Protection Against It
Information Security Incident Handling
Protect the Ship